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SEO vs. PPC in 2021 - What Is the Most Profitable Option?
Posted on 23 November, 2021 by Elsa Tom

One of the trendiest subjects in digital marketing is SEO vs. PPC. Both organic and paid search hits play an important role when considered honestly and professionally, and which one should be preferred relies on several factors. Those with a bit more understanding will frequently utilise a combination of the two.
Many of you may think the title is a touch ominous. Certainly not. It's merely a fact. An SEO Company Dubai or Google Ads Agency Dubai can help you to end these confusions.
Most digital marketers I've met regard SEO as the go-to strategy for internet marketing. This bias, I believe, is a natural byproduct of so many senior marketing positions being filled by people who previously worked in content/copywriting or media advertising. These professions frequently require a lot of engagement with the SEO teams at their companies. Furthermore, because SEO is typically less expensive than paid advertising, many marketing teams on a low budget opt to commence with SEO.
Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, according to several marketers, is the perfect way to start. This attitude, in my perspective, is more widespread among Corporate leaders who have worked in offline businesses. These individuals acknowledge the importance of advertising for any company looking to expand its customer base (i.e. every company that intends to be around in a few months). When they decide to market, the majority of them start with google ads Dubai, and occasionally even Facebook advertising. These are the most popular ad networks, though there are many others.
"Should I concentrate on SEO or pay-per-click advertising?"
We suggest blending SEO and PPC efforts because they are quite complementary. We realize that this isn't possible (or even essential) for every company. Many businesses are forced to choose between SEO and PPC due to budget constraints.
If you wish to put SEO first, consider the following:
You don't mind sticking it out for the long-term
When it comes to SEO, investing real effort behind your digital marketing involves making a long-term commitment. We've said it before and we'll say it again: SEO is a lengthy game. Going forward with an SEO strategy is a great pick if you already know you'll be investing at least a year of your time and money.
You already have a solid basis in organic search
Is your website getting a lot of organic traffic from Google? Do you score well for specific keywords without putting in a lot of effort? Have you ever run an SEO campaign? Then you're already far on your way to making improvements.
You're seeking long-term increases in traffic, leads, and brand awareness
Organic search results are more likely to be clicked on than paid advertising. SEO is the way to go if you want to not only generate leads in the short term but also improve your whole web presence and steadily increase traffic to your site.
If you wish to focus on PPC, you should:
You're beginning from the ground up
It can take some time to discover your spot within organic search results, whether you're a brand new startup or an established brand that is only now dabbling in digital marketing. Especially if the keywords you're targeting are really difficult to rank for. Paid search advertising can be an excellent method to get your foot in the door.
You want to be at the top of the SERPs without putting in months of effort
While a well-targeted SEO strategy may eventually land you on page one for your target keyword, keep in mind that most search engine users only glance at the first few results. Fortunately, Pay per click to allow you to place your brand message at the top of the page.
You don't want to be concerned about search engine fluctuations
When it comes to SEO, you're at the mercy of Google's top-secret search engine algorithm. Your success with PPC advertising, on the other hand, is determined by your budget and keyword choices, not by the powers that be.
Are you ready to take your lead generation to the next level?
Zapio Technology, a leading SEO Agency in UAE | PPC Agency Dubai and
our professional team at Zapio takes the complexity and confusion out of SEO and Google Ads.
Contact us to learn more about our SEO optimization services.
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